Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You Should Hate Welfare

NewsFlash- 101 million Americans receive some kind of food assistance from the government.
NewsFlash- 97 million Americans are employed in the private sector.

You should hate welfare.  You should hate it with every fiber of your being.

If you need it, take it.  That's what it's there for.  If your children are starving and you have no other option, take it and use it.  Feed your family and make sure they are healthy.  But make sure you hate it.

Make sure that every time you receive a check from the government, you despise it.  Make sure that every time you receive that check, it burns you up and provides new motivation to better yourself and get off welfare as soon as possible.  Make sure that you feel embarrassed by that check, and vow to yourself that you will do everything to never need the government again.

Why? Dave, aren't you being mean?  Aren't you criticizing the poor?  Absolutely not.

If I were a sadistic parent wanting to control my kids, you know what I would do?  I would buy them everything they wanted.  I would shower them with money and gifts.  Why would I do this?

Because the very second I wanted them to do something, I would threaten to take it away.

See, when an authority such as a parent or a government gives you something for free, it automatically gives them leverage over you.  I want my kids to be in a 10 pm?  Take away their allowance.  They'll be in by 10.  Oh yes, they will.  They want the allowance too badly.

Government wants you to vote a certain way or stop being critical of it?  Take away the welfare.  Oh, yes, the people will shut up.  They need what the government provides too badly to fight it.

This is why you should hate welfare.  This is why you should hate food stamps.  This is why all the government freebies should be looked upon with disdain and suspicion and yes, hatred.  People who need something from the government are not free.

Not only this, but until people provide for themselves, they never actualize their full potential.  Look at what welfare does to people.  Does it provide more dignity?  Does it provide a higher self-esteem or greater sense of charity and generosity?  Does it make people more loving, kind, responsible, or self-motivated?  No.  It does none of these things.  People were designed to be independent- to only depend on God.

If the government were to come up to me and say, "We don't like your blogs or your ideas.  We want you to stop preaching on this or that or the other,"  I would tell them to get lost.  Why?  Because I don't need anything the government provides.  They have no leverage over me.  They can't take away my food stamps- I don't use food stamps.  They can't take away my welfare check- I don't get a welfare check.  They can't take away my subsidized health care- I don't get subsidized health care.  I suppose they could take away my freedom, but then again, they could take away anyone's freedom.

However, suppose I was on food stamps.  At first, I saw it as a benefit.  Then, after a while, I grow used to them and adjust my lifestyle to include them.  Then, I depend on them.  All of a sudden, the government comes to me and says, "We don't like your blog or your ideas.  We want you to stop preaching on this or that or the other.  If you don't, we're taking away your food stamps."  I go into alarm mode.  I've patterned my lifestyle around what the government gives me.  Now they have leverage over me.  Now they can tell me what to do- what to say, how to vote, what to think.  I humbly succumb to their wishes and start preaching watered-down messages that threaten no one in power.  See the problem?

Only when people don't need what others can provide are they free.  Yes, people- if you love freedom and liberty, you should hate welfare.  You should despise it.  Like I said earlier, if you need it- if you are faced with starvation, you should take it.  That's what it is there for.  But you should hate it.  You should vow to be on it as short a time as possible, because while you are receiving government assistance, you are its boy.  You are its slave.  It can control you, because you need what it can give you.

This news report that 101 million Americans receive some kind of food assistance from the government, including 48 million on food stamps, should alarm all of us.  That means there are 101 million Americans that need what the government provides.  101 million Americans that today are not free.  101 million Americans that can be told what to do by the government.  This statistic is a threat to liberty and freedom.

I've learned in life that nothing is free.  Everything comes with a price.  I wonder if the 101 million Americans that receive food benefits from the government know this.  You can bet the government does.


  1. In a way it's making slaves out of those on assistance. It's just this time it's not based on race, just need.

  2. The saddest part about the fact that so many are on assistance is that it's raising the next generation to expect it and our country cannot sustain the trends. To get off assistance, people need to work and keep families together. Pray for our country.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred." Abraham Lincoln First Republican President

    1. No trolling here, please. There is no reference to inciting class hatred in this blog- that is entirely of your own doing.
