Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Friday, August 17, 2012

If I was the pastor of this church, I think I would just break down and cry . . .

If I was the pastor of this church, I think I would just break down and cry. 

I wish that those signs were replaced with ones saying, "Teach me how to accomplish the Great Commission," "Show me how to love the people I hate," "We love our pastor's wife- she is the greatest woman in the world and this church would be nothing without her," "I surrender all," and "Challenge me to a risk-filled, reward-filled Christian life."

What sign are you carrying into church this Sunday?


  1. Funny but true. My favorite was "Tickle My Ears."

  2. I like the "please refer to my sins as 'bad choices.'

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