Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Friday, September 7, 2012

Political Conventions: Two groups of fleas arguing about the best plan for the dog they live on

I wondered why the temperature in the last two weeks seems to be very hot and humid.  I announce now that I believe in man-made global warming:

The hot air from the two political conventions raised the temperature in the world at least 10 degrees.

Political convention- noun, a place where you spend $70 million in three days for the purpose of criticizing the other person's lack of fiscal responsibility.

Facebook lit up with posts about how great their candidates were and how awful the other party's candidates are.  I like the picture of Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and Jar-Jar Binks- I think that picture describes it best.

The reason I say all this is that I have lived through seven presidents now (Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama) and I can honestly say that none of them has really affected my daily life much at all.  Under each president, I got up and went to school (or work), played soccer, paid taxes, raised a family, had friends over for dinner, etc.  As a matter of fact, I seriously doubt that I would even really know someone was there if it weren't for cable news and social media. 

Maybe I've studied too much social history.  In Russia under the Czars, the average common laborer lived in poverty and went to work each day.  When the communists took over in 1917 (promising a better life for the middle class, interestingly enough) the average common laborer lived in poverty and went to work each day.  It mattered very little outside the city of Moscow who was in power- they did the same things and took care of the same people:  themselves.

It's beginning to feel like that in America.  Seriously- I don't hate Obama.  I don't even know him.  He's some faceless picture on a television screen to me.  So is Mitt Romney.  I don't like or dislike either one of them.  And I have a sneaking suspicion that whoever gets elected will beat the drum about how much he cares about me and my family, talk about how much better America will be during his leadership . . . .  and I will get up and go to work, raise my family, and live my life.  That's what I've been doing under the past 7 presidents and will probably do under whoever is president next.

What I am saying is that what we have heard from the conventions the past two weeks is pretty much a bunch of hot air.  We all know that they won't do what they say they will do.  The system doesn't allow it.  We all know by now that the "platform" each party proposes is a bunch of hogwash and will get stalled down in a bureaucratic nightmare of bills, motions, debates, and maybe a vote if the party in power allows it.

I wonder what the political process looks like to God from His point of view.  He must get a good laugh every 4 years, watching people holler and scream about things that won't even be issues in a hundred years.  I wonder if He likens us to two powerful groups of fleas, each with a better vision for ruling the dog they live on.  He knows that the fleas live a short time, don't really own the dog they live on, and really don't have a clue about anything.  One group of fleas claims that the dog owner is on their side, while the other gets in a shouting match, some saying that the dog owner is an important part of their history and some denying the existence of him (as if their belief or lack of belief determined whether he was there).  Sheesh. 

We are here on earth for a very short time.  We live, we get upset and stressed and holler and scream, and then we die.  Another generation comes along and lives, gets upset and stressed out and hollers and screams, then they die.  And another, and another, and another.  Each one thinks that the issues they face in their time are the most important the world has ever known.  Each one thinks the world is coming to an end.  All the while, from God's perspective, not much has changed. 

Whatever happens, it will still be two groups of fleas arguing over who has a better vision for ruling the dog they inhabit.  Yep.  That's pretty much it.

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