Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

My First Book Is Now Available!

 My new book is out!

If you have enjoyed the blog posts for the past twelve years, buy my first book! If you are wanting to do marriage better, or you are about to be married, or if you are dating someone and want to do the entire relationship thing better, this is the book for you.

You'll discover:

-the thing that causes all conflict in relationships, especially marriage

-why the ten o' clock hour is the most important one of the day

-the four types of parent you want to avoid

-how God heals through grief and loss

-why your spouse isn't hearing what you are actually saying and how to communicate effectively

-why winning an argument should never be the goal

-much, much more

It's available on Amazon at the link provided. Get it today and I hope you enjoy it! I truly hope it will be a tremendous blessing to you and your home. Thanks for purchasing!
