Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Benghazi doesn't matter and what that says about America

I've heard that there was a terrorist attack on our embassy in Libya about 7 months ago and four Americans were killed.  I've heard testimony that our military could have gone in and protected them, but they were ordered to stand down.  Then I heard that the current administration blamed the terrorist attack on a childish, poorly-directed youtube video making fun of Muslims.

Now there is all kinds of testimony going on showing how unbelievably screwed-up the whole situation is, probably leading to the White House and State Department itself.

And it doesn't matter one bit.  There will be no fallout politically for Obama or Clinton or anyone else in government, because America has changed.

Time warp back to 1974.  The news media reports that President Richard Nixon lied to the American people about his involvement in the Watergate break-in.  The American people hear the story and say, "Our president lied to us.  We don't want someone who lies to us leading this country."  Nixon resigns before he is impeached.

Fast-forward to 2013.  Some of the news media reports the Benghazi catastrophe.  The American people hear the story, but they don't say, "Our President lied to us."

One-half of the American people hear the story and say, "Well, that's just the Republicans politicizing the event.  They are just haters."  The other half, who hated Obama in the first place, say, "This just proves why this guy needs to get out of the White House."

We don't want truth anymore.

It doesn't matter if President Obama is completely at fault and is responsible for the deaths of the ambassador and the Navy SEALS.  If Fox News reports it, even if it's true, it is written off by Obama supporters as "hatin' on the President."

And before you think that this is all on the left side of the aisle, the folks on the right are just as bad.  When Bush implemented the Patriot Act and liberals screamed about government intrusion, Bush supporters blew them off.  When Bush established the unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security (something that has conservatives VERY concerned right now), folks on the right had no problem.  Now that Obama has simply continued Bush's policies, Obama gets the flak from the right and support on the left.

What this means is that it truly doesn't matter what happens in America anymore.  No one cares about truth.  They only care about their side.  And that is a dangerous place to be as a country.

This is why conservatives that are saying, "Stick a fork in this president- he's done" over the Benghazi incident are sorely mistaken.  I predict there will be no fallout whatsoever, because the folks that liked Obama before Benghazi will still like him, and the folks that couldn't stand Obama before Benghazi will still hate the guy.  Because we are a nation that doesn't care about truth or facts, our leaders will continue to do whatever they want and get away with it.

We will continue to hear stories like the butcher (also known as Kermit Gosnell) in the abortion clinics, and the pro-abortion people will argue racism or bury the story, while the pro-life people will holler and scream.  In the end, nothing will be done about it nationally.  There is no rationality, no objectivity, no sense of collective right and wrong left in this nation anymore.  We have completely thrown out any criteria for judging right and wrong, and so all we are left with is "how we feel" about an issue.

So what if the President lied to us?  We've thrown out the criteria that lying is bad!  So, because we don't collectively believe that lying is something a President shouldn't do, we give him a pass.  So what if an abortion doctor snipped the necks of live babies?  We've thrown out the criteria and killing babies is bad.  So, because we don't collectively believe that killing live babies is wrong, we explain away his behavior.

This is a sad statement about America.  It shows how far we have drifted as a nation.  We are a nation without a foundation, without moorings, without objectivity.  We are a nation that refuses to define good and evil.  We are a nation that would be unrecognizable by our founding fathers.  We are a nation that does not care about truth; we have replaced truth with subjective "feelings" that guide us irrationally and erratically.

Unless America wakes up and begins to care about truth again, we will not survive. 


  1. Do we still care about truth, but just not as much as we do about winning? I liked your thoughts. What's the answer? How do you help people care about truth again? Practically speaking. (I mean besides, helping them fall in love with Jesus.)

  2. I think that we have to, as a nation, start valuing objectivity once more. We have swung the pendulum from principle-orientation to people-orientation. For example, in a principle-oriented culture- you like a person, a person lies. What do you do? The fact that the principle- you shall not lie- is dominant, you base your decision on the principle and not on your relationship with the person.

    However, in a people-oriented culture, the same situation occurs, but you side with the person because that is the value that is dominant. You make up reasons why the person either didn't lie or was justified in lying, and begin attacking any person pointing out the principle.

    So, the only hope is that we return to a place where principles are more important than the person. We see this in our culture's rearing of children- we are so attached to the "person" that we can't see their bad behavior. Parents now go to schools and lamblast teachers for giving little Johnny detention, even though little Johnny did everything he could to deserve it. That's my opinion.

  3. And now you just gave me an idea for my next blog.
