Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Much of life is just about simply outlasting your competition

My wife and I work out occasionally at home together.

I'm really into the Shaun T workouts- I've done "Insanity" and "Asylum" which are both extremely difficult workouts (especially for a forty year old has-been), and many times there is a strong temptation to just quit before finishing the workouts.

One of the nice things about those workouts is that there is a timer at the bottom of the screen telling you how much longer the workout will be.  You can see the seconds ticking away, getting closer and closer to the end of the workout.  Sometimes, during a particularly strenuous part of the workouts, ten seconds seems like ten years.

A few days ago, Rachel and I were working out, and she was looking pretty exhausted- that "I'm about to give up" look on the face.  I looked at the timer and said, "There's only fifteen minutes left.  We can do ANYTHING for fifteen minutes, right?"  I don't know exactly what the words that came out of her mouth meant, because they may have been spoken in some strange language, or it was something unrepeatable in a Christian blog, but she continued.

Finally the timer hit zero.  We were done.  We had OUTLASTED it.

One of the things that sports have taught me is that many times, you just have to outlast your opponent.  That's one of the big keys to winning.  You're up 1-0; can you outlast the attacks until the timer expires?  Can you make one more run down the field than your opponent can?  Can you jump one more time than your opponent can?  That's how games are won.  That's how workouts are done.  You OUTLAST them.

The same principle applies to every aspect of our lives.  I've realized that much of success in life is simply about outlasting whatever obstacle is in front of you, especially for the Christian wanting to live out the faith on a daily basis.  For example:

-Can you be patient longer than they can be annoying? Outlast them.
-Can you be loving longer than they can be hateful? Outlast them.
-Can you remain self-controlled longer than Satan can tempt you?  Outlast him.
-Can you forgive more times than they can hurt?  Outlast them.
-Can you stay silent longer than they can tempt you to outburst? Outlast them.
-Can you hold firm to your faith longer than they can complain? Outlast them.
-Can you keep going longer than your desire to quit?  Outlast it.
-Can you remain joyful one day longer than whatever it is that is bringing you down?  Outlast it.
-Can you be kind longer than they can be rude?  Outlast them.
-Can you remain faithful one day longer than the desire to cave in?  Outlast it.

Parents, can you outlast your children?  I was sitting at the dinner table with my little two-year old nephew who loves to say "no."  Doesn't matter what you tell him- he always responds with "no."  Well, when he said no, I immediately responded with YES.  He said "NO!"  I said "YES!" This went on back and forth for a minute or more.  Every time he said "no," he would look at me to see if I was still in the game.  I certainly was.  I'm a grown man.  He's a two-year old.  He didn't stand a chance.

Finally he quit. He realized that I wasn't going to.  I outlasted him.  He stopped saying "No," whenever he was around me.  Parents, can you outlast your kids' defiance, or do you give in?  Do you outlast them, or do they outlast you?  You're the adult.  They should never be able to outlast you.

One thing we have to realize is that nothing lasts forever.  The temptation to commit adultery or look at porn eventually subsides if you outlast it.  The hunger pangs telling you you HAVE to have the extra piece of chocolate cake subsides rather quickly if you don't indulge it.  The impulse to buy that brand new thing that you don't need and can't afford goes away rather quickly if you outlast it.  Nothing, no matter what it is, lasts forever.  Everything in life has a timer.  Sometimes, you just have to wait for that timer to hit zero and keep going one second longer than it does.

Back in the 1940s and 50s, Billy Graham received tons of criticism and ridicule for his ministry.  He was mocked, marginalized, insulted, and just about everything else when he burst onto the scene with his crusades and preaching events.  How about now?  Is there any pastor in America who is as respected as Billy Graham?  He has been spiritual advisor to presidents, heads of state, has preached the gospel to more people than anyone in history, and has earned the title "America's pastor."  How?

He outlasted his critics.

What can people say about Billy Graham?  How can you criticize a guy who is so humble, so dedicated, and so faithful?  Answer?  You can't.  He outlasted his critics.  He stayed in the game one step longer than they did.  That's the call to the Christian in todays' world- stay in the game one day longer than our critics.  Stay faithful one day longer than the forces that oppose us.  Stay faithful one day longer than the doubts that eat at us.  Outlast it.

Many times, we quit just before there is a huge breakthrough in our faith, or in our family, or in our jobs.  Many times, had we resisted the temptation just one more minute or stayed faithful one more day or forgiven just one more time, we would have experienced victory.  Much of life is simply about outlasting the obstacles and temptations in front of us.  You can do it.

In 2004, my wife and I experienced the death of our third child.  To say that we were overcome with grief would be an understatement.  We experienced marital strife- somewhere around 80% of couples who lose children end up divorcing- as well as the grief.  We could have thrown in the towel.  Instead, we outlasted it.  Can you outlast the grief that is threatening to take you down?  Yes, you can. Nothing lasts forever.  That grief has a timer.  It won't always be there.  Stay faithful one second longer and outlast it.

Just like I told my wife, "We can do anything for fifteen minutes," tell yourself, "I can do anything for one more day.  I can do anything for one more week.  After all, I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

Whatever it is in front of you, outlast it.  Outlast the doubt, outlast the critics, outlast the tantrum, outlast the negativity, outlast the temptation, outlast the hate.  That is the call of the Holy Spirit on His church in this day and age.  "To him who overcomes . . . . (Revelation 1-3)."  Outlast it.

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