Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Israel: The Immovable Rock

I read with shock about President Obama's speech where he called Israel back to 1967 borders.  That would call for Israel to surrender half of Jerusalem and a great deal of the land that was Biblically promised to Abraham in Genesis.  I cannot tell you the feelings that I got reading this- disbelief, sadness, horror, betrayal. 

This is a bad move for many reasons.  First, I will start off with the Biblical reasons.  I happen to believe we are in the season of the Lord's return as prophesied in Revelation.  One of the signs that we will see right before the Lord's return is the coming of the world against Israel.  Zechariah 12:2-3 says, "“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."

So, the Bible says all nations will be gathered against Israel in the end times, including the US.  We have been the largest supporter of Israel, and we have been blessed because of it.  In Genesis, God promises Abraham, "Whoever blesses you I will bless, whoever curses you I will curse."  Second, the Zechariah text states that Jerusalem will be an immovable rock- no one can change the borders.  Third, the text states that all who try to move it will injure themselves- basically saying that if we mess with Israel and try to move it, we will incur injury.  I believe this will be in the forms of natural disasters- hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc (let me see- seen any of those recently?).  Israel is God's chosen nation; His chosen people.  They are not to be messed with. Those who do so do it at their own risk.

Second, this is bad from a foreign policy standpoint.  Israel is about the only friend in the Middle East that we have.  To publicly and internationally humiliate them by calling them back to the 1967 borders is folly.  Obama has a track record of disrespecting our allies, from NATO countries to Israel and beyond, and it will come back to bite us when we need them.

I am incredibly uneasy with this call from the President.  While I respect his office and honor him as leader, this is a decision and policy I do not and cannot agree with.  This is an alarming development in our world- much more alarming than anything I've seen recently.  Obama, pick up your Bible and read it- realize the significance of what you are saying.

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