Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Friday, January 25, 2013

The 40-year Love Affair With Abortion


I watched this video celebrating the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade.  First of all, it's not really a good commercial.  It's not funny or cute, although I think in some sick way it was SUPPOSED to be cute, but unintentionally showed the true attitude towards abortion that the pro-abortion folks in this country have.

Since Roe v Wade, there have been somewhere between 50 and 55 million legal murders in America.  55 million children killed under the approval of the United States government and the abortion providers.  1% have been aborted because of rape or incest, 6% because of medical problems endangering the life of the mother or baby, and 93% because they were simply not wanted.

This is bad enough.  However, this commercial shows the true heart of the pro-abortion forces in this country.  Their PR people would have us believe that abortion is medically necessary or needs to be labelled under the name "health care."  Bill Clinton told us that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare."  It is proposed to the American people that it should be a solemn choice, a lesser of two evils, or at best, a right.

But that's not what this commercial showed.

No, this commercial showed abortion to be more than what the PR people tell us it is.  This commercial didn't talk about the freedom of women or the help abortion has provided to hopeless, scared women desperately needing help.  No, this commercial was a sadistic celebration- a love affair between the pro-abortion people and abortion itself.

This commercial compared abortion to a lifelong romance between two adults who are celebrating their relationship over time.  I believe this was intentional.  I believe this is how the pro-abortion camp actually feels about abortion.  They actually love it.

They celebrate abortion like a couple celebrates another year together.  They celebrate the killing of 55 million children like a couple celebrates the love between them.  The pro-abortion lobby doesn't simply want women to have the option of abortion.  They LOVE abortion.  They celebrate the death culture surrounding abortion, unashamedly celebrating abortion to the tune of romantic music, seductive talk, and a glass of wine.

As a man who used to believe that abortion was a good thing (back when I was in high school and college), and who now believes that abortion is murder, this commercial is more than offensive.  I view this commercial as I would view Osama Bin Laden celebrating the anniversary of 9/11- sipping on a glass of wine, talking in low romantic tones, celebrating the killing of 3000 Americans.  Oh wait, that's only 3000 people dead.  That is not a fair comparison to the 55,000,000 killed since Roe v Wade.

To cap it off, it is utter irony that a black man is featured in this ad.  Black babies are aborted at an astounding rate- far higher than white babies or hispanic babies.  It is estimated that the black population in America would be TWICE what it is right now if it were not for abortion.  If half of an entire race were killed by guns, it would be called genocide.  If half of an entire race is killed by abortion, it's called reproductive rights and celebrated by a man sitting in a chair sipping on a glass of wine to the tune of romantic music.

We are up against more than women's rights or reproductive rights.  I have realized, by watching this commercial, that abortion is a love affair with these people.  They don't look at it as a necessary evil, or a medical procedure, or as something to keep "safe, legal, and rare."  They view it as lovely, romantic, beautiful, seductive, desirable, and amazing. 

And that, my fellow people, is the sickest thing I believe I've ever heard.

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