Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Friday, July 6, 2012

Living on $20 per day

Last month my family spent too much money.

It wasn't necessarily awful- we spent $600 on sending our daughters to Bluegrass Christian camp as well as some other things like that- but the plain and simple fact is that we spent too much money.

This month we agreed to pull back on spending.  During the last ten days of the billing cycle, we challenged ourselves to not spend more than $200.  That equals $20 per day (I know, I'm a math genius.  You can stop the applause now- and for those of you who got out the calculators to check my math, well, that is just sad).

I call that pulling back and really being frugal.  Wouldn't you?  Could you and your family live on $20 per day if you had to?  How many Americans could live on $600 per month?  I know we couldn't- at least, without some major changes in life, like selling our house, cancelling health insurance, not driving, etc.

However, there are people in this world that think I am crazy.

Friends of mine around the world live on much less than that per day.  53% of the world lives on less than $2 per day.  So, in my "cutting way back and being frugal" I reigned in spending to only ten times what more than half of the people in this world live on per day. 

But it's not the guilt of having more that has me bothered.  It's the fact that I believe that my soul is in danger.

In Mark 10:25, Jesus says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven."

Now, all of my life I have never considered myself rich.  There are so many people, even in the city I live in, who make tons more than me.  By American standards, I am middle class (at best), but lower middle class is more accurate.

But if I think from a worldwide perspective, as God does, I am a rich man.  I am the rich man Jesus was talking about in Mark 10:25.  When I "reign in spending" to ten times what the average person in this world makes per day, I am a rich man. 

I am the person that Jesus says will have a harder time getting into heaven than a camel will have going through the eye of a needle.  And the biggest problem with that is that I would rather continue my lifestyle with my income than change, even though it may cost me my soul.

Now I know some of you are going to play the grace card and say, "Dave, you are saved by the blood of Jesus.  It's not your income or anything like that."  I understand that.  And I am thankful for that.  But when I look deep into my heart, does the fact that I am the rich man Jesus was talking about really bother me that much?  Does it bother you?

I don't know what I would have done had I been the man that Jesus said that to.  I don't know if I would joyfully give up my possessions to have treasure in heaven.  And that, my friends, is the problem.  I believe I value earthly treasure more than I value heavenly treasure.  You probably do too.  And that, more than anything, should cause us to stop and reflect about where our treasure truly lies.


  1. understand completely Dave, our family lives on less than 22,000 a year. Doug and I have no health insurance at this time because even though he is a manager he is not given any. He receives no sick time or vacation pay. He has been forced off work this week w/o pay, and you know what happened to the paycheck that was to come today. It's upsetting when you have bills to pay and gas to buy not to have that check come as it is supposed to. I can not say both of us didn't lose our tempers and let ugly thoughts fly. I wish I could proudly say we had cooler heads about us, but when things like this happen over and over it is very hard to do so.
    The great thing is Doug and I both know that God does have a plan, and we both realize these are learning experiences for us both for what He has down the road for us. I know too that He has promised us He will provide for us, He moved us here, He is leading us, our job is to be obedient and have faith... sometimes that is sooooo difficult. I look forward to the day that I have my MD, not because I'll make more money as your blog is talking about, but it will put me in a position to do even more for others that what I can do now. I have so many desires to do for others with the knowledge I will receive, but for His glory not mind for it is His plan for our life. I am so thankful.
    However all that being said I can certainly identify on the issue you raised on the selling your soul so to speak... I wonder about that and feel guilty on a variety of things I do. I want so bad to be able to walk in His Kingdom and when He sees me says, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"
    I appreciate you reminding me of these things as well and am so thankful that God placed you and your family in our paths at Southern Acres. How I miss that time. Sigh miss y'all and of course many who attended and of course Wally and Barbara too!!!

    1. I am so thankful that God has brought me across yours and Doug's path too. You all are wonderful people and are truly doing the Lord's work where you are. The Lord provides for those who seek Him. Keep your chin up, sister!

  2. btw this and the long comment are from Vanessa King

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dave, this one hits pretty close to home. Mercy and I spent the majority of the first year of our marriage with our monthly obligations out-weighing our income. I make good money, but you know about our situation when we got married. While we still have a lot to pay off, we have been able to make some changes that drastically improve our position. The amazing thing is the time we were the most miserable, was when Mercy took a better paying position. She is currently making only slightly more per month from her Children's Ministry position than she was in a week before, yet we have always found a way to make it work, and have finally found a "solution". I am reminded often that the things that make sense to us, aren't always what make sense to God. The thing I am trying hard to focus on now, is not taking the opportunity to be wasteful with what we have been given.

    Also, in an effort to re-evaluate our expenditures on food, Mercy and I participated with a friend of mine at http://www.livebelowtheline.com . The goal was to eat on $1.50 per person per day for a week in May. You also have the option to form a "team" which people can sponsor and the donations go toward your choice of poverty fighting organizations. It's something I'd like to do as an annual reminder, and we'd love to get more people involved next time :)

    1. Clay, it's amazing to see where you've come in the last four years. I seriously doubt that four years ago you would have written this post. Keep up the good work, man.

