Worship Night

Worship Night
Catalyst Christian Church, Nicholasville, KY

Monday, July 23, 2012

What Penn State and the Colorado Shootings Have in Common

What do the Penn State scandal and the Colorado shootings have in common?

A:  Our only way of dealing with them is after they occurred.

There is no doubt that our nation is a nation in decline.  2/3 of Americans agree on this.  However, as I have stated before in this blog, I believe the decline is spiritual in nature, not economic.  There are economic consequences to spiritual decline, but the root cause of the decline is spiritual in nature.

We are a nation that has turned its back on God.

I was watching the NCAA announcement about the Penn State sanctions, and interestingly enough, the guy on TV said something to the effect of, "These actions by Sandusky and Penn State leadership goes against what we stand for and also against common human standards." Don't quote me on that, but that is the gist of it.

What ARE the common human standards anymore?  Do we even HAVE common standards?  Who decides them?

The two incidents referred to above were both overwhelmingly evil.  Sexual abuse of children and murder of people in a movie theater fall neatly into the category of overwhelming evil.  However, with the spiritual decline of our country and the removal of absolute-truth morals from our lives, we have rid ourselves of the best way to stop these things from happening.

Now that Americans have removed God from our lives, the only way to deal with evil is after it happens.

For example:  For me, the law on the books that tells me that murder is a crime is irrelevant.  I don't need it.  I don't follow it.  It wouldn't matter to me one bit if it were legal or illegal in this country.  I won't do it, because I believe murder is wrong.  My faith dictates to me that murder is wrong, and therefore having a law on the books is irrelevant.

In the same way, if Americans were to live the teachings of Jesus, police officers could go home.  We would have no need for laws or police, because we would be a people that were self-governed and self-policed.  We wouldn't need a law against murder- because no one would do it.

But now, because our moral and spiritual decline is increasing, we will see more and more news stories like these two, where the authorities' only solution is to wait until the next mass shooting happens and respond to it.  We will be a country playing defense, always reacting to what happens.

And teams that only play defense and always react never win a game.

How long will we be in this mode before we wake up and realize our need for spiritual revival in this country?  Throughout American history, great spiritual revivals are always accompanied by huge decreases in crime, drunkenness, divorce, etc as the Holy Spirit invades the lives of criminals and changes them into people who follow Jesus.

We can pray for spiritual revival in America now.

Or we can wait and respond to the next horrific crime given to us by 24/7 media and respond.

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